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Kings of Leon Cover Showcase Contest Win

In the fall of 2021, the American rock band, Kings of Leon, partnered with organizations Notes for Notes, Music Will (formerly Little Kids Rock), and Inherit the Music to host a competition for high school musicians. I, along with the band Uneven Surfaces, recorded two Kings of Leon covers: "Time in Disguise" and "Black Thumbnail." In December, we were thrilled to be selected as the winners and flown to Nashville, TN, to record and produce an original song, written by Nathan Wilson, titled "Shattered Foundations."

Hear the Winning Performances

Original Song:
Shattered Foundations

Time In DisguiseUneven Surfaces ft. Eliza Brooke Lampert
00:00 / 04:30
Black ThumbnailUneven Surfaces ft. Eliza Brooke Lampert
00:00 / 04:00
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